Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Sept 19-30, Ayahuasca & San Pedro Shamanic Ceremony Retreat

Here’s the Daily Schedule
And here are the Retreat Prices
Meet the Shamans!

Each of these 12-day shamanic ceremony retreats are an amazing adventure in consciousness, awakening, and healing, working with Ecuadorian shamans with the ancestral medicines Ayahuasca (feminine) and San Pedro (masculine). Incredible experiences take place for every person and the experiences become lifelong memories, not to mention all the new friends you make!

Each retreat is like a soul family that comes together for 12 days and goes through a transformation together. It is impossible not to be a changed person for the better when you leave Gaia Sagrada after one of these retreats. Treat yourself to an amazing experience!

To reserve your space, fill out the Reservation Form, check “Shamanic Ceremony Retreat” and then we will send you a Paypal invoice that you can pay with either credit card or Paypal account, whichever you prefer. If you need another way to pay, simply mention it in the comments section at the end of the reservation form.

We are looking forward to being of service to you in your awakening and healing process! See you soon!

Spider Daughter and the Shamans: Private Retreat

Laura Delaney (Spider Daughter) is a graduate of University of Metaphysical Sciences, which is the organization that built Gaia Sagrada Shamanic Center. She just earned her Masters Degree and created a retreat at Gaia Sagrada as her masters project. What a great masters project she did! Twenty people came with her to Gaia Sagrada and had an incredible…experience!

Facilitating a retreat is a visionary idea that takes quite a bit of effort to bring into tangible form. It is more mundane than anyone realizes, glorious as it all sounds. From sending out the announcements, getting the word out, handling emails and questions, lining up the shamans and setting up their transportation, putting it together, overseeing classes and workshops between the ceremonies, and manifesting it from a dream and idea into a real and solid event on the Earth, what a project!
Laura was a wonderful facilitator, a natural at this retreat stuff! She was really nice to everyone while getting it all done, and everyone had a great time and an enlightening experience. Laura got her name, Spider Daughter, during an ayahuasca experience long ago through her connection with the dream worlds, as spiders are the dreamweavers, weaving the web of dreams.
The Ayahuasca shamans she booked, Wareni and Catalina, were wonderful! They sang beautifully, brought lovely medicine from Colombia, and were really good people with beautiful hearts. Wareni is a trance master with his singing, Catalina too, and Catalina also brought with her some of the most beautiful beaded jewelry we have ever seen. Ayahuasca patterns were quite evident in her work!
We booked the sweat lodge shamans for her group, Paulina and Salvador, a beautiful husband and wife shaman team, and wow! What a powerful sweat lodge. They sang beautifully and robustly, had a great male/female balance in the energy of the medicine. The heat cleansed us all to the umpteenth degree!
Well done, Laura! You are quite the master facilitator! What a wonderful event you put together, and the people you attracted and brought with you says a lot about who you are! Beautiful! Don’t be shy, you rock! I will always be in admiration of you, and I am amazed at the beauty with which you create things on the Earth. You have such a big heart and care a lot. You are a rare being in this world and quite the visionary!
All of you who came to Gaia Sagrada for Laura’s private retreat and masters project for University of Metaphysical Sciences, what a beautiful group you are. We will remember you with fondness and you are always welcome back to Ecuador with open arms. You are all very special. Thank you for choosing Gaia Sagrada for this special journey!

What a wild ride! Dante’s Camino – Balancing the Extremes

JULY! What a wild ride! Us ladies decided to call this group Dante’s Camino (Dante’s walk or Dante’s way) as we were preparing ceremony food (exotic fruit!) one day. It became really clear to everyone that what we focus on is amplified in our lives, and that it is so important we focus on things that are positive, life enhancing and productive, rather than that which we don’t want in a negative pole vibration. It is our choice and responsibility to choose wisely what we want to make real in our lives. We visited the extremes and came out clear and healed in the end. It was quite a wild ride!

This beautiful group came together and through the thick and thin of it supported each other’s growth in all that needed to be cleared. The first couple ceremonies were indeed cleansing, and then the sweat lodge San Pedro ceremony sealed the deal, cleansing out the deeper negative energies in a profound way. It was very clear the next day how cleansed the group was after the sweat lodge ceremony. It was a breath of fresh air for such an intense cleansing to take place.
The final ceremony was indeed profound and beautiful, with such a change in everyone that we could hardly believe it ourselves how transformed everyone was. NEVER have we had such a blue sky without a cloud in it for the final ceremony like we did that day. Everyone was soooooo joyful it could hardly be contained. It was the day everyone got their wings and could journey back into the world as the angels that they are.
Well done, you beautiful souls of Dante’s Camino! You have walked the extremes and came out balanced and clean in the end. Well done! Continue to choose wisely and lovingly between the dark and the light, and put your attention on love. Thank you for being such a daring, courageous and beautiful group and facing the shadows like warriors of light and love. Love conquers all, as we got to see first hand! Let love be your guide.

August Ayahausca Retreat: It’s a Wonderful World

What a beautiful journey through consciousness this has been. We had a really beautiful group come together once again and journey well. There were profound healings, emotional releases, and great awakenings. What wonderful people are attracted to Gaia Sagrada! We are so impressed by the kind of people who come here and journey through body, mind and spirit in the dimensions of healing the medicines offer.
We had beautiful ayahuasca journeys, incredible san pedro awakenings, and a sweat lodge that was quite cleansing. We then sat by the fire after the sweat lodge and enjoyed the stars, drummed and sang, were mesmerized by the fireflies everywhere, and a few of us made it to sunrise more than once!) We sat at the edge of the forest overlooking the mountains for our last ceremony, walking the dimensions.
One night we we weren’t sure if what we were seeing was a UFO, a visiting spirit,  or an airplane. Hmmm… It sure id move pretty strangely at first, in spirals coming straight toward us, seemingly pretty low to the ground. Then whe everyone said, “Nah, thats a airplane,” it turned and seemed to say, “OK, you’re not ready for me to visit,” and went to the right and acted like an airplane, going out of sight very quickly. It still didn’t look exactly like an airplane though.
One question that comes up in every retreat is how can we live a fearless life? How can we live our lives in a good way, without struggle? We have to ask ourselves what we fear most and then make peace with it in our hearts and surrender to whatever is going to happen in reality. It is so important that we trust in life and in ourselves, and know that the universe is not hostile, but friendly. It is all about what we put out and what we share with others. What comes back to us if we put out love… is love.
Thank you beautiful angels for your willingness to transform, do the inner work, and really be present for everything that the medicines showed you. You are all very wise in your path already, and as you discovered we continue to get wiser forever! Thank you for being such a wonderful, willing and loving group!!!

Oct 31 – Nov 11, Ayahuasca & San Pedro Shamanic Ceremony Retreat

Here’s the Daily Schedule
And here are the Retreat Prices
Meet the Shamans!
Each of these 12-day shamanic ceremony retreats are an amazing adventure in consciousness, awakening, and healing, working with Ecuadorian shamans with the ancestral medicines Ayahuasca (feminine) and San Pedro (masculine). Incredible experiences take place for every person and the experiences become lifelong memories, not to mention all the new friends you make!
Each retreat is like a soul family that comes together for 12 days and goes through a transformation together. It is impossible not to be a changed person for the better when you leave Gaia Sagrada after one of these retreats. Treat yourself to an amazing experience!
To reserve your space, fill out the Reservation Form, check “Shamanic Ceremony Retreat” and then we will send you a Paypal invoice that you can pay with either credit card or Paypal account, whichever you prefer. If you need another way to pay, simply mention it in the comments section at the end of the reservation form.
We are looking forward to being of service to you in your awakening and healing process! See you soon!

No Volcanoes Near Gaia Sagrada, We Are Fine!

Some people have emailed us and asked if the Cotopaxi volcano eruption in Ecuador is affecting us. NOPE! We are fine. We are extremely far away from all volcano activity. We are as far away as another country or state. The volcano is up in the far north and we are in the more southern part of Ecuador. We haven’t seen any dust. It has been fine here.

We purposely chose a place that wouldn’t have problems with either earthquakes, tsunamis or volcanoes, nor would it ever be too hot or cold here. We never wanted to be anywhere where potential dangers could lurk. We even thought about how important it is to be at an elevation where there aren’t any… mosquitoes! There is nothing worse than trying to concentrate on your Ayahuasca experience but have mosquitoes lurking everywhere, or itching from bites that you can’t keep your hands off of.
We also thought it would be good to be in a location where we wouldn’t have to deal with natural disasters either, like earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. We are in a good location! It’s bright and sunny here, and one would never know that a volcano has gone off somewhere far away north of us. Weather moves in east and west directions, not north or south so we are very safe from any kind of volcanic activity.
Come and enjoy!
Let’s pray for the people who could be affected by the volcano, though. Please! Let us all say a prayer for those who could be and are being affected by the volcano. Livestock are being evacuated, crops are being destroyed, and about 300,000 people are not sure what their future will be. Please say a prayer for all of these dear souls who are facing this situation.

Water Prayer in Ayahuasca Ceremonies

In ceremony, when we pray with gratitude for even the simplest things in life, like clean water for instance, we are all reminded how blessed our lives are. Our hearts open with gratitude, giving honor to the core of life, the water. We want to share this blessing with everyone.
Many times we all take clean water for granted, even though it is at the core of our existence as physical beings. Without water there is no life. It’s simple, yet profound if you really think about it. When we realize our dependency on water, we realize the miracle that our lives really are. None of us would be here, not even an animal or a plant, if this was a desert planet with no water. Water is the key to physical life.
Try living without water for a few days, and see how much the appreciation for water surfaces then. We don’t need to be deprived of water to have a sense of gratitude and appreciation for it, though. We can appreciate it and feel the gratitude for our lives right here and now. The way we take care of the water is a direct measurement of our consciousness.

How to Appreciate Water?

Simply give water your attention when you drink it, feel it on your body when you are in the shower, wash your face or brush your teeth. Appreciate water as you clean your dishes, your car or your house. What a miracle water is! Really think about it. It is the great cleanser, the great solvent for cleansing. It can take so many forms, ice, snow, mist, hot vapor in a sweatlodge, clouds, lakes, rivers, rain… How many forms can water hold?
It is also a flexible substance, filling whatever it pours into. It forms to the shape of any container, tub, cup, or jar. It always flows in a predictable way, depending on its form, and we can depend on water to fill our cells, our muscles, and every tissue of our bodies. Water cleanses and cleans, not only the outside of our bodies and our environment, but it also cleans us on the inside.
In fact, water is the most powerful medicine in the world. Many illnesses, aches and pains at the physical level can be alleviated with plenty of water, sometimes a lot of water. Many people who could never really find a western cure for whatever ails them, if they start drinking a lot of water these ailments simply disappear. We can also look 20 years younger if we drink a lot of water!
I have come to the conclusion that water also cleanses our emotions and mind. Whenever a person has a stressful moment or an emergency, one of the first things we want to do for that person is hand them a cup of water. It is instinctual. This helps people come back fully into a clear state. Same thing with mental whirlwinds or obsessions. Sometimes drinking a glass of water calms everything down.
This is the same water our ancestors drank. It retains memory of where it has been. Just imagine the life that the glass of water you are drinking has lived! What an interesting journey if you really follow it. That same water has been in a lot of places, from clouds to rain to lakes to aquifers deep inside the ground, inside animals, inside plants, even humans, since the beginning of time… If you tap into the memory that water holds, it will astound you! It is a vehicle for consciousness.
Let us never drink another glass of water without saying thank you for giving us life. Let us understand how we fit into the cosmic picture of physical reality. Let us absorb the wisdom and healing that water brings. Let us always be grateful for this great luck we have in our life, to always have this water. Let us each do our part to take care of it well and never waste it. If each of us in the world could save a few gallons of water a day by not wasting it, running down the drain needlessly, it would change the world.
Let us be truly conscious, paying attention to the footprint we leave on the earth, and measure our consciousness by watching how we use water. If we pay attention, we will definitely all change how we treat the water. It should be handled with care and respect!

Our Volunteers – The Angel Dream Team!

We are always so impressed with the kind of people who are attracted to Gaia Sagrada, who come here as guests and volunteers alike! Not only are our guests absolutely wonderful people who are ready to leave the past behind and get on with their missions in the world, but so are our work exchange participants. They are a team of angels!
We call them The Angel Dream Team. They really are joyful making all the things at Gaia Sagrada happen that need to happen, from fixing your bed, making yummy food, helping you at ceremonies, building campfires, and being there if you need someone.
Whatever you need…
 …they are there, always. They are energetic, thoughtful, funny, and a wonderful group of people to welcome you into the traditions of the shamans. The Gaia Sagrada community is Gaia Sagrada seems to attract a special kind of person. They will be with you in the ceremonies as helpers, sometimes they participate with guests, and they are always there to laugh at your jokes (no matter how silly your jokes might be!). They keep the spirit light and lovely here!
We just want to take this moment to say how much we appreciate the staff and volunteers here at Gaia Sagrada. Without you we wouldn’t be able to do it.
Thank you Angel Dream Team for being the lovely people you are! What a great family!