Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Nov 21 – Dec 2, Ayahuasca & San Pedro Shamanic Ceremony Retreat

November 21 @ 6:00 pm - December 2 @ 12:00 pm

Here’s the Daily Schedule
And here are the Retreat Prices
Meet the Shamans!
Each of these 12-day shamanic ceremony retreats are an amazing adventure in consciousness, awakening, and healing, working with Ecuadorian shamans with the ancestral medicines Ayahuasca (feminine) and San Pedro (masculine). Incredible experiences take place for every person and the experiences become lifelong memories, not to mention all the new friends you make!
Each retreat is like a soul family that comes together for 12 days and goes through a transformation together. It is impossible not to be a changed person for the better when you leave Gaia Sagrada after one of these retreats. Treat yourself to an amazing experience!
To reserve your space, fill out the Reservation Form, check “Shamanic Ceremony Retreat” and then we will send you a Paypal invoice that you can pay with either credit card or Paypal account, whichever you prefer. If you need another way to pay, simply mention it in the comments section at the end of the reservation form.
We are looking forward to being of service to you in your awakening and healing process! See you soon!

Heat & Heaters

The community center and kitchen (including the Casa Tranquilo living room) are always places to be warm at night. Sit by the woodstove in the community center or just turn on the heater in whatever communal area you are.
Why are gas or electric heaters in rooms a separate charge? (Electric Heater – $50/mo, Gas Heater – $25/mo)
The reason we have made the heaters in rooms a separate charge is to give budgeters an opportunity to save money, especially if they are not electric guzzlers. (It costs us $50 per month to run an electric heater in a room!) No worries, no judgment. We are here to cater to your heater needs, but those who use electric heaters must pay more than those who don’t. It is a huge difference!
Gas heaters are cheaper simply because gas is cheaper than electric. You can rent a gas heater instead if you wish.
Rooms stay warm!
All the rooms stay warm, especially after sunny days, so you might not even feel you need a heater. If so, we are here to serve your needs!
Don’t forget the sauna and hot tubs! Enjoy!

Alcohol & Drugs

Keep it mellow, no crazy stuff.

Have a couple glasses of wine or a couple beers at the campfire when no retreats are going on, but no drunkenness is tolerated. Illegal drugs are not allowed. No drinking can happen during retreats or it would be grounds for dismissal.
Some of the retreat participants might be envious if they are here for a cleansing, a raw food retreat, or a shamanic ceremony requiring the shamanic dieta. Many retreat participants come to deal with addictions, including alcoholism, and we are here to support them. That means no alcohol can be around the center during retreats and a few days before and after. It’s a very short window of time that you can have drinks.
When retreats are not going on, rules are more lax, but if you start shouting in the middle of the night at the top of your lungs about purple elephants, we are definitely going to give you the boot!

Living Here

Rentals in the Country – Eco-Community at Gaia Sagrada

(Note: The retreats are using all housing so there are no spaces for non-retreat participants to be here on a monthly basis at this time. We are working on building more housing so we can open up this option again soon. Keep an eye on our site!)
You and other residents can make your own activities, enjoy a movie, check your emails in the community center, or have a midnight conversation. Sit by the woodstove, hang out at the sauna and hot tubs, or look for UFOs in the sky! Make Gaia Sagrada your own when no events are happening.
You are welcome to associate with retreat participants when there is a retreat. They will be curious about you and what it is like to live at Gaia Sagrada. Feel free to mingle, make the rounds and meet some new people as they come in. Meal time is a great time to hang out and meet participants.
Here are the Prices for staying at Gaia Sagrada
Commute to Cuenca on the bus when you want, get a dose of the city and say hi to friends, do something in the centro, but come home to where you LIVE in a beautiful nature paradise!
What a difference this will make in your Ecuador experience! A safe place to live in the country, where all your stuff will be when you get back, close enough to the city to commute, and a chance to experience the true Ecuador few get to witness.

Edith Lesley Foley’s Garden Art at Gaia Sagrada!

Edith Lesley Foley, what an amazing woman with a vivid imagination for gardens. This wonderful lady blessed us with her creations and left a piece of her beautiful heart here forever. Look at these amazing sacred spaces she created here at Gaia Sagrada. We are so very lucky!

The Chakra Garden

This first sacred space she created is the chakra garden. When I first saw the construction guys making the molds for these doors to the garden, I just couldn’t even imagine what she was building. I had no idea. She tried to explain it to me… but I couldn’t really fathom it. Seeing it in its finished state is just amazing! What a special place it is to sit and meditate, listen to the birds, gaze at the little goldfish in the pond, or watch the butterflies as they play among the flowers.
The way the chakra garden works is you walk in the door on the right, and as you walk the path around to the door on the left, you move through all the colors of the chakras. First come the red flowers, then the orange flowers, then the yellow flowers, green area, blue flowers and purple flowers by the door on the left. What a sweet idea! There is a beautiful design on the wall where the person taking the photo is standing, we’ll show you that in another post! Edith and Eszter designed it with glass bottles in the wall incorporated into the design with beautiful designs around the bottles in the wall.

The Hobbit House

Another of Edith’s lovely creations, this was just an underground food storage spot, a place where the stored food can stay cool without refrigeration. It wasn’t much to look at before Edith got to it. In fact it even looked a little spooky. Not after Edith put her magic touch on it. Look! It’s a Hobbit House! She got the idea after someone was talking about building a Hobbit House at Gaia Sagrada, and she ran with it. You like it?
The Hobbit House comes complete with a mailbox and a little birdhouse in front with a lovely wooden fence. There is a lucious garden with flowers and edibles, like broccoli and cabbage, even lettuce. There is a mini table and wooden stumps where you can sit and have your morning tea like any hobbit would. There are little fairies hanging from the window shelf, a light post, and she planted vines that will wrap around the roof and the fence in another few months.

Edith’s project is ever growing and changing, a garden that never sleeps, and a place
When you sit in the front yard of the Hobbit House, you’ll feel as if you have gone back in time, or to another world altogether. Imagine if you lived here! Look at all the detail when you are here. She thought of so many ways to make it beautiful, even the gardens, walkways and the steps that go up to the roof. She could have been a set designer for these places in the Hobbit movies. “Hey Bilbo, good mornin’ to ya!” What happy colors she used, too!

The Ancestors

This garden and sacred spot is near the Maloka where we have our sacred ceremonies. The rocks are our most ancient sentience of our world, the ones who were here waaaaay at the beginning of this planet, the ones who remember the beginning of creation, actually. If you were to see the life of a rock, the millions and billions of years worth of experience, it would be mind blowing!
When the rocks come into the sweat lodge, they are called abuelos and abuelas, grandfathers and grandmothers. They are the oldest beings of our planet. All form has sentience, some way or another, and if these rocks are aware of their experience (just an idea!), then what stories they could tell! Imagine you were a rock at the beginning of creation. What a ride!

The Mushroom Fairy Circle

I’ll get a picture of this soon. It is also right near the Maloka where we have our sacred ceremonies. The first time I saw it was after an all night ceremony (we started after dark so I didn’t see it before the ceremony). When I walked to the woodpile to get some more wood at sunrise, I gasped when I saw it nestled there in the woods.
For a moment Edith got me. Shocked, I thought to myself, “Do those mushrooms grow here and I just never saw them before?” Then I came to my senses and realized, “Aaaaah! Edith was here!” I’ll never forget that little surprise.
Here you will see the little fairies flitting around or resting under the mushrooms. Just watch, you’ll see them. Especially at dusk and sunrise! You have to watch really patiently and yet pretend you’re not looking, and then their world will be revealed you. Look out of your periphery vision!

Thank You Edith!

Thank you so much for what you have created here Edith. Thank you for surprising us! You are always welcome here with your wild ideas and creations. You bring love, sweetness, humor and wisdom wherever you go. It was so wonderful to spend time with you again and let you run free with your ideas here. You are always welcome here. We love you! Thank you for expressing your heart in such a beautiful way here. Many people in the future will enjoy (right now, and already have in the past) your expression here! We’ll be sure to water everything!
Get more details by following the links: Ayahuasca retreats, Best ayahuasca retreats, Ayahuasca retreats reviews, Ayahuasca center and Ayahuasca healing.

We Are Stardust And To The Stars We Return by Christine Breese

Did you know that peanut butter and jelly sandwich you are eating is about 400 gazillion years old? It’s true! Believe it or not. Every cell, molecule and atom in your body is 400 gazillion years old, maybe more. In fact, everything in existence is gazillions of years old. (By the way, for all you mathematicians out there, I don’t know if gazillion is an actual numerical value. I just made that up.)
Every particle in the universe is born from a supernova. There is not a single piece of matter in the entire universe that didn’t start off as a star. The elements are born when… a star goes into the supernova phase, and the elements that make up all matter are stardust that comes from the supernova. There is new matter being born with every supernova that happens.
How A Star Works, and Then the Supernova
First the sun starts off as ball of hydrogen gas. The gravity causes two atoms of hydrogen to collide and fuse, creating helium, and the nuclear fusion produces a lot of energy and causes the start to shine.  A burning star is hydrogen being fused into helium. This is what creates the “power” of the star. As the helium is created, gravity moves it toward the center of the star, as it is heavier than hydrogen.
The helium elements continue to fuse, creating carbon, and more energy is released. As this increases and the hydrogen decreases, the star becomes a red giant.  As the carbon nuclei fuse, it forms Neon. As the neon nuclei fuse, oxygen is formed, then comes the next element, silicon, then nitrogen which decays to form iron.  As the iron becomes more and more present, the gravitational force increases and the star begins to condense again, getting hotter. No longer is it a red giant. As the gravity fuses the iron, it absorbs the energy rather than putting it outward, and the iron is turned into alpha particles and the neutrons and protons are compressed even more.
Eventually a critical mass is reached as the star implodes more and more, and a rebound explosion happens. This is the supernova. This is what creates all the elements, as nuclei fuse and become all the other elements. It is a chaotic and haphazard combining of nuclei, and as they escape into the space around the star as it explodes, they are free to become other things!
This is all put in very simple terms. It is actually a bit more complicated than this, but for the sake of keeping this article as short as possible, I am just putting it in a nutshell for the most part!
The Journey of the Elements
If we look at the esoteric level of this, it’s mind boggling. Can we even imagine the history that the atoms have that make up our bodies? What must be the experience of gazillions of year old atoms? Atoms are sentient in their own right, and they have a memory of what they have been. If you could even see an inkling of what an atom’s experience was since its beginning, you would be flabbergasted! Could a human mind even hold such an enlightenment? We would probably have a system crash in our minds like a computer that doesn’t have enough RAM.
In our shamanic ceremonies, we always encourage people to really take in the memories of what they eat, even the water, as each thing, a vegetable, a fruit, a grain, an animal, even the water itself, has had a lifetime of its own, complete with memories of those forms it has taken. When you ingest something, it becomes part of you, the memories too, embedded into your cellular memory.
Think of the life of the vegetable, fruit, grain or animal you are eating, and let it come into your consciousness. (That’s why I always tell people who eat meat to be careful what you eat. Make sure it is an animal that had a good life, and if it was killed in a way that it didn’t see coming, because if the animal had a terrible life of fear and sadness, and experienced terror at the time of its death, you are eating the energy of fear.)
When you drink water, think about all the places it has been. The water has been drunk by the animals who lived before us, even the plants. The water has experienced many forms, like rain, mist, oceans, rivers, lakes, clouds and underground aquifers. As our shaman Salvador says, who works at our Gaia Sagrada Shamanic Retreat Center in Ecuador, the water has been drunk by our ancestors. If you consider the memory of all these things, you are filling yourself with wisdom and experience. That’s huge!
In The Beginning…
If we take this concept even a step further, we can tune into the beginnings of the universe, if we consider where the matter that makes up our bodies comes from and the journey it has made. First the elements in our bodies were a star, then experienced the supernova explosion (perhaps this is where our idea of the big bang comes from in our ancient memories), then planets are formed, and biological life emerges slowly. Then the elements, as part of the earth, become part of our bodies as we grow, eat food, and drink water.
Each 7 years every cell in our bodies has been replaced, meaning more elemental matter has become part of who we are, with its new memories, gaining new memories while it is part of us. These elements have an experience while they make up the whole of our bodies. When the elements are eliminated from our bodies, or we die, they return to the earth.
Once again, the element travels through the experience of being part of the earth, then moving into the plants, then being consumed again by an animal or human, and again having an experience in our bodies. How many times might this element in you have been part of someone else or something else in the past? How many more lives will it live in the future? Amazing when you think about the cycle of the elements and what their journey is.
We Are Stardust And To The Stars We Return
Let’s go even further with this concept. In your meditations, see if you can go back to the beginning of time, the beginning of all things, and ask for the cellular memory within yourself to reveal itself. You have more information in the matter of your body than you can even imagine. If you can even move into the tip of the iceberg with these ancient memories, you could be far beyond many people with what you are aware of. Go backwards in time and learn about your beginnings in meditations. If you go forward in time, you will see that you return to the stars, as it all ends up in a black hole at some point, from which universes (and stars) are born.
We are all stardust. Our consciousness is what animates the stardust and gives it experience. Let us remember where we come from and awaken to the truth of our reality. We are not the struggling humans we think we are. We are all born from a bright shining star. Every single one of us!
When you are in a moment of despair again, or feeling sadness or anger, remember once again where the matter in your body comes from, and in fact where all the matter around you comes from. It will be hard to continue just being a finite, struggling human when you think of this! You are phenomena coming from a star. Next time you’re talking to someone, remember, it’s a stardust conversation!

Blood Moon Ayahuasca Ceremony, so Tranquil and Beautiful!

By Christine Breese
There was the dreaded 4th blood moon that so many people were all freaked out about last night. The world was supposed to end, earthquakes, tsunamis, economic collapse, evil cabal, new world order taking over, something like that! There was a lot of projection on the blood moon by humans, the fourth in a series of four blood moons. It happens every thousand years or so and it means that big change is in the air whenever it happens.
However, this change our world must go through doesn’t have to be bad, terrible or traumatic. Change in our world can be beautiful! We don’t have to do it the hard way if we don’t want to…
Several of the participants started the ceremony with a lot of fear, trepidation and worry, wondering how the blood moon was going to affect us. Several people read on the internet they weren’t supposed to look at the blood moon, that it would curse them. I said, “Aaah, that’s phooey! This is a cosmic event, a natural occurrence in nature, how can God’s beauty be a curse? Look! Drink in the beauty of the cosmos!”
As Salvador and Paulina, our ayahuasceros, started the ceremony, we were all quiet and purposeful, setting our intentions with beautiful prayers for transformation. We all approached the ceremony with the intention of leaving behind the old ways and embracing the new. The moon was bright, the clouds painted postcard pictures in the sky, and then the eclipse began…
Right after the eclipse began, the clouds converged and covered everything up. Dang!
We surrendered and accepted the sky’s decision to hide it, using it as a lesson in accepting whatever the cosmos decides to do with us. What else can you do? The night got darker and darker as the eclipse continued. The shamans sang gently, sweetly, very softly. We could feel the angels all around us, as if the divine was coming close to us. We were unmoving, silent.
THEN! About an hour into the ceremony, when the medicine began to touch us all with it’s beauty and grace, with beautiful visuals, the clouds parted very wide, providing a huge circle of wide open space around the blood moon with the blood moon right at the center of it all, as if framing it with frilly white edges all around the horizons of the sky. The clouds seemed to almost disappear to the horizons so quickly we didn’t even see them go! The stars sparkled sweetly all around the blood moon and it seemed like we could see forever into the universe. It was very 3D. Many of us came out of the maloka to look with awe at this wonder of nature.
I looked for a moment, memorizing the picture, thanking the clouds for this gift they were giving us, taking a mental snapshot in my mind as the night sounds of nature gently sang. I whispered to the shamans, Salvador and Paulina, “The clouds gave it to us! The blood moon wanted to be seen!” They grinned, “Yes!”
The earth seemed to go still and pause between breaths. I fell to my knees and began to pray with joy. I felt my energy reaching far and wide out into the world, with beautiful designs and sparkles coming out of me in every direction, praying for humanity’s transition to take place in a beautiful, gentle and lovely way. I prayed that our evolution and quantum leap that our species is about to do, and is presently doing, to be done with intelligence, joy and sweetness between all of us. I prayed for the well being of our species.
I then blew on my praying hands and spread my prayer out into the world, thanking creation for hearing my prayer. It seemed that there was a response, a shifting of gears. I looked up and the clouds had come back together to cover up the eclipse again, and the red moon was hidden once again. It was a gift from the sky to show it to us! I was so grateful! I would have been disappointed if I didn’t get to see it.
We continued the ceremony in a beautiful way. Everyone was elevated to a new level of peace. The night was dark and I kept the fire low, (I was firekeeper) only at the level of embers so everything would remain dark. As the night went on for the next two or three hours, we all had the sweetest journey, a gentle and beautiful journey.
Then, suddenly everything seemed to get brighter and Salvador, our shaman, announced that the moon was returning and the eclipse was starting to move back into the light again. It was fast, and wow! Once the moon was fully back it was as bright as day! It was the brightest I had ever seen the moon, I think. Everyone marveled. We all thought the same thing. The clouds parted again, with an occasional paper thin cloud drifting over the moon, as if caressing it, and we could see every tree around us with great detail. It looked like day light was coming and the maloka was lit up inside as if there was a light on inside. We could have read a book by this light! I looked up into the sky, and the moon was surrounded by a beautiful rainbow. What a special, gentle night!
The energy in the ceremony went into an ecstatic state, as if everyone was taking a breath of fresh air in the new paradigm that the blood moon represents. It was so lovely! Everyone was smiling, joyful, free, it was just amazing!
We all were concerned for trouble with the blood moon energy with an ayahuasca medicine ceremony together before the ceremony started, but it turned out that this was one of the most tranquil ceremonies ever! Hardly anyone threw up, no one was restless or troubled, or needing reassurance that everything is ok. It was as though we were all in our divine being and forgot we were humans with troubles for a moment! We were all simply part of creation in this beautiful transition.
So it goes to show we must all be careful what we project. We can project a lot of fear into our future, or we can project peace and love into our future. It is up to us all now what we choose for the future of our species and the future of our world, spaceship Earth. We can create a utopian future or one of struggle.
Let’s all be wise grasshoppers and choose well! Let us all choose love!

Pray Like a Co-Creator, Not a Beggar

By Christine Breese
Sometimes people ask, “How do I pray?”
What I ask next is, “Who are you praying to? Really?”
We have to look at what prayers really are. Most times we are asking for a “favor” from God, right? Please bring me the right spouse, the right job, a better car, good health, a better life, something. We are usually asking for a situation to be given to us that we don’t have.
First let’s look at who God is. Is it a friendly fatherly figure high in the sky who is constantly listening to our prayers and passing out wishes? Is it some big spirit somewhere in space who blesses us with our requests and oversees the world and the universe? Who is God? Where is God? What is the God phenomenon?
In my belief, (and this is just my opinion of course) God is the consciousness that is in each and every one of us, every blade of grass, every animal, every tree, every molecule, every atom, and even the empty space. This is how God can be everywhere at the same time. All of this that we see and experience is God dreaming, thinking, experiencing its creation. So if God is omnipresent because sentience is at the core of every minute particle in existence, then there is no central figure in the middle of it all answering prayers.
So how do we pray then? What is the purpose of prayer if there isn’t “someone” listening and answering them. All of us have experienced praying and our prayers seemed to be answered somehow, so it must be that someone is listening, right?
When I pray, I feel that rather than praying to someone I am instead praying to creation, and in this way I am praying to what God really is, which includes me as part of this ocean of consciousness that God is. “Please create this with me,” rather than, “Please give me something,” as if there is something separate from me that gives it to me. I look at it more like aligning myself with the forces of creation and “asking” these forces to create something with me, together. Let’s create this together. I will do whatever I need to do to line up with this energy, and then I ask the energy to come toward me.
When I feel my prayer go out into the creation, it seems that certain particles, or energies, that line up with what it is that I want to create, that would like to be part of that creation, turn their attention and start moving toward me, toward creating this thing I want to create. It’s more like a calling of all particles of creation, the raw creation material of the universe, to come and become this manifested “something” that I want to create. It feels more like a co-operation together with other material in creation that matches me or what I want to create, all of it being part of myself, rather than looking at it as if it is separate.  Then it seems to manifest, takes time, but it manifests!
So don’t pray like a beggar. Pray like a co-creator, as if you are PART of the creation process in the universe. The universe is a friendly place, and if there is a part of creation that wants to create that with you, it does!