Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Living Here

Rentals in the Country – Eco-Community at Gaia Sagrada

(Note: The retreats are using all housing so there are no spaces for non-retreat participants to be here on a monthly basis at this time. We are working on building more housing so we can open up this option again soon. Keep an eye on our site!)
You and other residents can make your own activities, enjoy a movie, check your emails in the community center, or have a midnight conversation. Sit by the woodstove, hang out at the sauna and hot tubs, or look for UFOs in the sky! Make Gaia Sagrada your own when no events are happening.
You are welcome to associate with retreat participants when there is a retreat. They will be curious about you and what it is like to live at Gaia Sagrada. Feel free to mingle, make the rounds and meet some new people as they come in. Meal time is a great time to hang out and meet participants.
Here are the Prices for staying at Gaia Sagrada
Commute to Cuenca on the bus when you want, get a dose of the city and say hi to friends, do something in the centro, but come home to where you LIVE in a beautiful nature paradise!
What a difference this will make in your Ecuador experience! A safe place to live in the country, where all your stuff will be when you get back, close enough to the city to commute, and a chance to experience the true Ecuador few get to witness.

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