Thursday, 20 February 2014

12-Day Ayahuasca Retreat & San Pedro Retreat – Daily Schedule

5 Ceremonies during this 12 day Ayahuasca Retreat and San Pedro Ceremonies

$875 dorm
$975 shared room
$1175 private room
Our Retreats are At Cost, Non-Profit
We are not in this for money, we are in it for the awakening of humanity!
In order to offer a balanced healing experience, you receive both Ayahuasca ceremony (feminine) and San Pedro ceremony (masculine). The amount of healing ceremonies are: 2 Ayahuasca ceremonies, 2 San Pedro ceremonies, and 1 ceremony of both Ayahuasca and San Pedro mixed, which is quite an enlightening experience!

Wilca (Yopo) Ceremony

On occasion you will receive the optional elusive and difficult to find Wilca medicine. Wilca is the mother of all medicines, according to the shamans. This is a short, very powerful experience (half hour to an hour). If the shaman has it to offer, you can pay a little extra for this experience ($25). Read more about Wilca medicine here.
This is a magical journey through consciousness that will change your life forever. This is a chance to overhaul your system through shamanic healing and realize your full potential. Much spiritual healing will take place during these 12 days in mind, body and spirit during this Ayahuasca retreat and San Pedro retreat.

Who Performs Ayahuasca Ceremonies and San Pedro ceremonies? True Ecuadorian Shamans!

All shamanic ceremonies are offered by Ecuadorian shamans, not westerners, so you are getting the real thing! Westerners may run an activity like yoga, a discussion, or a meditation, but Ecuadorian shamans offer the ceremonies. We honor the Ecuadorians who are practitioners of this trade, and we see ourselves here at Gaia Sagrada as simply facilitators for YOU to meet various true Ayahuasca shamans and San Pedro shamans of Ecuador. We bring you the real thing!
All our shamans practice Ayahuasca healing or San Pedro healing with sacred journey healing center plant medicines using ancient techniques. If you are debating whether you should go to Peru for an Ayahuasca retreat and San Pedro retreat, or to Ecuador for an Ayahuasca retreat or San Pedro retreat, check our webpage Peru Ayahusca retreat or Ecuador Ayahuasca retreat?
Ayahuasca ceremony is the feminine aspect and San Pedro ceremony (Huachuma) is the masculine aspect. South American shamans living in Ecuador practice these ancient shamanic healing traditions at our Ayahuasca healing center.

Bring Something Special to Charge Up

We suggest bringing a crystal or some other spiritual object of importance to you. During these Ayahuasca retreat ceremonies and San Pedro retreat ceremonies you may want to have it with you in order to charge it up with energy while you journey other dimensions, experience deep Ayahuasca healing, or attain higher consciousness. This way you will be able to tap into the energy you experience during this Ayahuasca retreat and San Pedro retreat after you leave. You can keep the inner work going this way.
Please make sure you fill out the Reservation Form for booking your housing choices And choosing your dates of participation in this healing retreat.


Keep in mind that there are not necessarily 3 meals per day every day during the shamanic ceremonies. Dinner is skipped on the days of the shamanic ceremonies. On the days after the shamanic ceremonies, you will be able to rest and sleep late, so breakfast and lunch are sometimes combined in a brunch. There are always snacks and tea available to you, so you will never be hungry … except for right before the Ayahuasca ceremonies and San Pedro ceremonies, of course!

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